Portobello Pizzas

portobello pizza

This is such a fun twist on a pizza. It’s perfect for an appetizer or dinner. Having the mushroom as the crust makes it a great vegetarian and gluten free option!



  • 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 Portobello mushrooms
  • ¼ cup red pepper, cored, seeded and julienned
  • ¼ cup yellow pepper, cored, seeded and julienned
  • ¼ cup orange pepper, cored, seeded and julienned
  • ¼ cup heirloom cherry tomatoes, sliced
  • 1 tbsp. fresh garlic, minced
  • 2 tbsp. pine nuts toasted
  • 1 cup fresh mozzarella cheese
  • 1 tbsp. fresh basil, julienned
  • Salt and pepper
  • Balsamic reduction (recipe below)



Take each portobello mushroom and rip the stem off the bottom and with a small spoon scrap the gills out of the bottom of them creating more room for the toppings.

portobello pizza1

Start heating up the grill or grill pan to medium high heat, with a little bit of olive oil and place the mushrooms on top, season with salt and pepper.  Grill for about 8-10 minutes until tender and cooked through.

portobello pizza2


In a sauté pan with a little bit of olive oil heat to medium heat and start cooking the peppers and tomatoes with the garlic until tender and cooked through.


In a smaller dry pan heat the pine nuts on medium heat until lightly toasted. They burn easily so be careful!


To assemble place the peppers on top of the mushrooms and take the fresh mozzarella and rip it into smalls pieces and let it melt onto the mushrooms. Top with the pine nuts, basil and drizzle the top with the balsamic reduction. Serve immediately.


Balsamic Reduction



  • 1 cup balsamic vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. brown sugar


Place the balsamic and brown sugar in a small sauce pan over medium heat. Bring to a simmer and let reduce until thick syrup like consistency.

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