Pici alla Pomodoro

When just starting out making homemade pasta, pici might be the easiest ones! Flour, water, oil, salt and little time and patience. I love to use ’00’ flour when making this pasta, it gives it a great chew, and absorbs the sauce so well. Pair along with this pomodoro sauce, making sure to use the freshest summer tomatoes and herbs, it’s great as a main dish or side to any protein.
If you loved this pici Alla pomodoro recipe I would appreciate it so much if you would give this recipe a comment! Also, be sure to snap a picture of your finished dish and share it with me on Instagram using the hashtag #sunlovekitchen and tagging me @sunlovekitchen.
Pici (Serves 2)
- 2 1/3 cup ’00’ soft wheat or all-purpose flour
- 2/3 cup warm water
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tbsp. olive oil, plus a little extra for brushing
In a large mixing bowl add in the flour and create a small well in the center. Pour the water and oil into the well and using a fork slowly start mixing in the flour. It will start to look like a thick batter, continue mixing the flour in until a shaggy dough forms. Once it’s too thick for the fork use your hands and knead the dough together for about 10-15 minutes until a smooth ball forms. Cover in plastic wrap and let sit on the counter to rest for at least 30 minutes. But the longer the better, it will be easier to pull the longer it rests.
Once rested, cut the dough in half. Working with one side at a time, roll each one into a ball and then press it out to a small disk. Brush each side with a little olive oil. Cut the dough into about 1/4 inch strands. Then working with one strand at a time roll each one out to form a long rope. Roll them on the thinner side as they will absorb water and get a little thicker, but personal preference. Working in batches roll all the dough out and set on a sheet pan, with a little semolina or flour and try not to have them overlap. Don’t get caught up on them all looking the same, that’s the beauty of them is to all be different.
- 3-4 medium tomatoes
- 3 garlic cloves, peeled minced
- 2 tbsp. olive oil
- 2 tbsp. basil, minced
- 1 tbsp parsley, minced
- salt and black pepper to taste
- parmesan
Using a large box grater, grate the tomatoes into a large bowl. Then add in the minced garlic, olive oil, herbs salt and black pepper. Give it a stir and taste it for seasoning.
Bring a large pot of salted water to a low boil, cook the pasta for about 30 seconds to 1 minute until it floats. Using a tongs remove pasta and place in the pomodoro sauce. Give it a mix and grate some fresh parmesan on top! Enjoy!
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