Month: December 2016

Healthy Vegetable Orzo Soup

Healthy Vegetable Orzo Soup

This soup is the perfect post holidays meal, it feels like you’re indulging when actually it’s really healthy and packed full of vegetables. You won’t even miss the meat. It’s also a really good way to use up any leftover veggies that you have. I 

Turkey Lasagna

Turkey Lasagna

We got stuck in a snow storm last night. So, with candles burning and christmas music playing, I thought it would be fun to stay in and warm up with some homemade lasagna. There is something so comforting about all the layers of melting cheese, 

Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Mushrooms, Kale and Garlic Sage Brown Butter

Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Mushrooms, Kale and Garlic Sage Brown Butter

  Gnocchi is such a comforting food, it makes you feel all warm and cozy. I love making it when it gets a little colder outside. I got a bunch of sweet potatoes from a pizza farm my husband and I went to the other day